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Monday, 5 March 2018
Test Day

Stan is having an angiogram and bilateral lower extremity runoff angiogram this morning.   My concern today is the anti-coagulants and if they do the angiogram through the leg.  He bled badly for about 45 minutes when he had that before and hadn't been on anti-coagulants.  If he needs stints, they will likely be done during the procedure.  I spoke with one of the cardiologists last night about his heart and the symptoms.  He has been really short of breath upon exertion and we assumed it was the COPD.  The doctor said some of it may have been the heart.  If that is the case, he will be better after they fix whatever is weakening his heart.  He was asking me stuff about what he should have done as he was reading the release.  I told him to do whatever is going to make him better.

The infection doctor came in last night and said the cultures showed a non-resistant staff in his blood and no infection in the bones.  I knew about what he had before we went to the emergency room.  Fortunately, it isn't as bad this time.  He will only need a couple of weeks of IV antibiotics. 

His stay has not been without incident.  He has managed to survive everything.  Dietary has been very accommodating.  He isn't eating so when I asked for just soup, they send two bowls.  He's getting lots of jell-o.  He just isn't hungry.  He got a sandwich and two bowls of chicken noodle soup last night and ate both bowls and about half the sandwich - quite an improvement; however, he didn't digest the food well and was almost sick.  He's had too many antibiotics. 

Well, back to the hospital to await the procedure and hopefully more good news.

Posted by stormi36 at 5:52 AM CST
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Sunday, 4 March 2018
Sunday Update

All is progressing as anticipated.  His irrigation system test should be Monday morning.  Once the doctors assess the circulation in the heart and legs, they will make a decision on their course of action. 

The foot surgery to remove a small bone on the outside of his foot is the least important part of the treatment right now, but his doctor said the infection isn't an issue as long as he has really good circulation. 

Walter and I went to Red Lobster for lunch yesterday after Stan had eaten and was ready for a nap.  Stan said he wanted a Cheddar Bay biscuit.  The nurse said it was OK since he wasn't eating.  He had one for an afternoon snack then actually ate better for dinner.  He wasn't too hungry at breakfast this morning.

He had to have a new IV put in around 1:00 a.m.  The nurse had already pulled the tape off and a LOT of Stan's arm hair trying to fix the other one.  He had to pull new tape off the second time.  Stan told me it was worse than the first time. 

Stan is doing really well on the Sara Stedy.  For people who can pull themselves up to stand but can't walk, it is a really great design.  It is so much safer than a walker.  There really isn't too much way to fall and get hurt.  It does require a driver.

Keep Stan in your thoughts and prayers Monday.  We are praying for a good outcome.

Posted by stormi36 at 9:56 AM CST
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Saturday, 3 March 2018
Update for Saturday

Stan is doing OK mostly.  He is running a fever most of the time and when they give him something for it, it breaks and he ends up soaking wet.  This usually happens in the middle of the night and the nurses have to change all the linens. 

Yesterday, after reading all the foot doc's notes, everyone finally agreed with me that Stan was not to put any weight on his foot.  They had been letting him use it for balance.  Now they transport him to the bathroom on a Sara Stedy.  It is so much easier than the walker. 

He will have tests on Monday to study the vascular system from head to toe.  He still isn't eating.  He had been OK with a new protein shake, but yesterday, it started tasting bad to him.  He got a bowl of chicken-noodle soup for dinner and got a straw and drank the broth -no noodles, no chicken.

I hope we know more after the tests Monday.  He is really getting sick of all this, pun intended.  All his doctors are very optimistic, which is a plus.  

Posted by stormi36 at 8:16 AM CST
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Friday, 2 March 2018
Update on Stan

I've been pretty busy taking care of Stan for the past month.  He had a wound on his foot and had to be off his feet completely to help it heal.  Monday, he was running a fever, nauseated and too weak to stand up.  I called 911 and the ambulance took him to the emergency room.  Pretty much everything from head to toe has been examined and tested because the wound was infected.  He is doing well now, but still running a fever and needs more tests.  It's a good thing, really, that once you are in the hospital the doctors can look at anything and everything over your stay to ensure there isn't anything else lurking that could bring you back for another stay.

 Stan is going to be scheduled for an angiogram sometime before he goes home. When he was admitted, there were cardiac enzymes showing up in his blood. They put a wound vac on his foot and put a walker in his room instead of crutches or a wheelchair.


We are almost set up with home health for when he comes home. He will be doing IV antibiotics at home because the infection is in his blood. That has happened before and he responds well. It took somewhere around 4-6 weeks last time. He will have a nurse come and change the dressing on his wound vac three times a week. They said something about occupational therapy for his sore shoulders that theymay set up for him. Once he's past the infection, he will have more permanent surgery on his foot, but it will be done in the doctor's office - nothing major here.

 I have decided this is a staycation with medical benefits.  So far, everything is positive.  He will have a couple of months of healing from everything, but should be better than ever once he gets through it.  

Posted by stormi36 at 4:21 AM CST
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Sunday, 18 February 2018
Gloomy Day
Fog this morning, rain and clouds the rest of the day.  I love it.  Good day to stay home and take stock of everything with which we are blessed.  Happy Sunday!

Posted by stormi36 at 2:17 PM CST
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Sunday, 11 February 2018
Happy Frozen Sunday

It is 26 degrees at our place this morning.  Yes, it does get pretty cold in North Central Texas during the winter.  There's some frozen precipitation to the south west that may move our way later this morning.

I put seeds on the ground out front and out back for the juncos and dove.  Some of the other birds prefer to eat off the ground also.  The cardinals are already feeding on suet.  It is said that when a cardinal visits you, it is a loved one saying hello from heaven.  I have a pair that visit every day.  There are three male woodpeckers, two hairy and one downy.  I think the two hairy woodpeckers will eventually fight it out for territory.  Right now, they are happy to share the suet since it is spaced out in five to ten foot intervals. There's a feeder just outside my office window that is a hit with the Carolina wren.  They don't have to share it with the other birds.  There are four dove fighting over a foothold on a feeder that is really designed for cardinals.  They are large dove and it is an 8" ring.  They have to sit on it sideways.

I fixed Stan French toast made from a really long slice of French bread this morning with sausage and orange sections.  He ate and is still in bed happily watching the news and Olympics.

I took Walter chocolate chip cookies yesterday afternoon.  He wanted to know how to make the oatmeal cookies I made a week or so ago.  I came home and told Stan I need to make him a couple of dozen oatmeal.

Well, off to a busy Sunday.

Posted by stormi36 at 8:24 AM CST
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Saturday, 10 February 2018
Freezing Temperatures

February in Texas often brings freezing temperatures one day then 70s the next.  We are on that roller coaster ride this weekend.  I knew it was coming, so I planned a baking day.  I've already taken two 5" apple pies out of the oven.  I'm waiting for the butter to soften a little more before I mix all the ingredients to make Toll House cookies.  I'm making chicken enchiladas for dinner with Mexican rice.  I may do some refried beans and homemade chips.  I don't have any other use for the corn tortillas this week.  I already have the chicken and dumplings made that will be our lunch.  I'll probably batch up the cookies after lunch and take some to Walter when they are cooled sufficiently.  He got oatmeal two weeks ago and has probably eaten them by now.  Mother used to make him cookies or purchase them for him.  I prefer homemade because I know what's used to make them - Irish grass fed butter, no artificial anything and no preservatives.  No, they aren't healthy but at least they are safer than store-bought stuff!

Stan has settled in to being an invalid way to smoothly.  He "lets" me do everything, bring him drinks, snacks, meals.....I have to change his bandage and put his sock on.  I had to wrap his foot so he could take a shower.  A nurse at Shick Hospital told me not to marry an asthmatic.  She said they were too needy.  I think about her at times like these. :)  Still, it's been a great 37+ years so far!

Posted by stormi36 at 11:40 AM CST
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Wednesday, 7 February 2018
Sunny day after a cold rain

The news from the dermatologist for Stan was squamous cell skin carcinoma.  It's very shallow and will only require another good scrape.  His podiatrist scraped and sliced on his foot and now he is back to daily bandage changes and weekly visits to avoid surgery.  His shingles are just about healed.  What a winter for my sweetie.  Back to being sure he gets his 50 grams of protein every day so he will heal. 

I will be heading to the grocery store today when it gets a bit warmer to get the supplies for lasagna, beef stew, and several chicken soups.  I'll probably get a few trout filets for Fridays.  Sprouts usually has trout, but I like to have several week's supply, just in case.  I'm going to do individual ramekins of quiche Lorraine for one meal.  My mother used to make it for Christmas Eve and he liked it as much as a man can like quiche.

Well, it's 10:00 and time for his morning snack!

Posted by stormi36 at 10:05 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 7 February 2018 10:06 AM CST
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Monday, 5 February 2018
Coffee and Conversation

I made a cup of coffee and called my sister yesterday evening.  We had a wonderful catch-up chat.  She hadn't told me that her shoulder had been bothering her.  She really isn't one to complain.  Mostly, she reports how much progress she is making in recovering from a stroke almost a year ago.  During her annual check-up, she mentioned her shoulder.  A CT scan and an MRI later, they discovered a small rotator cup tear.  She was referred for physical therapy and is already feeling a little better.

My freezer went out the first part of January.  It is a really large, 6' one.  We were debating whether or not we should replace it or not, but Stan decided to see about a repair.  Ace's Appliance fixed it for us at 1/4 the cost of a new freezer.  I actually think it is working better than it has in years.  He told us that it is old enough to be a lot better than what is being sold now.  I was going to give up making large batches of soup and having chicken pre-cooked for quick evening meals, but now I can plan by the month instead of the week.  That really makes cooking and shopping a lot easier.  I like to purchase a huge package of chicken breasts from Sprouts and dump them in the crock pot when I walk in the door from shopping.  I usually shred it and separate it into recipe-size portions.  I do the same with my homemade spaghetti sauce.  I do plan to store quite a bit less now since I am retired and I no longer have to do most of the week's cooking on the weekend.

It has turned cold again just as I was fretting the end of winter.  We need good winters in Texas to ensure fewer mosquitoes and other pests.  

New visitors to the feeders this month have included ruby crowned kinglets and Carolina wrens.  We have also identified three species of woodpeckers and some brown thrashers have returned intermittently.  The juncos, common and house sparrows are all very healthy and maybe a little overweight from all the seeds and suet we've been providing.  We don't even want to talk about how plump the dove are!

Posted by stormi36 at 4:33 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 February 2018 4:36 PM CST
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Friday, 2 February 2018
I hadn't realized it has been so long since I wrote anything.  I've been a little busy but just mostly relaxing after the holidays.  We both got allergy stuff in January, then Stan got shingles - AGAIN!  Mostly we are just enjoying being happy.

Posted by stormi36 at 6:11 PM CST
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