After a week of nice temperatures, we are back into the 90s until Sunday. I've been trying to update our web page so I've not been updating my blog. It was down due to something with the servers for about a week. Tripod has done a really great job resolving issues I've had as I've gotten back into both the blog and the web page.
I am doing the photo album buy years and the closer to present I get, the more digital suff I have available. I shared some of the photos on FB and didn't have to wory about naming protocol. To put them on the web page using Cute FTP, I have to make sure I am following protocol exactly or the photos won't transfer. When I was learning all this, we had to use protocols but eventually, windows made it mostly unnecessary. Spaces, dashes, etc. were OK. Glad I remember the old-school way of doing everything, even html coding, because some of it still applies!
Our neighbors across the street, Shana and Jeff, are going home to Wisconsin this month. She accepted a job with the University of Wisconsin and while I am so happy for her, I am sad for us. On the other hand, we want to take an extended trip to Wisconsin, so we will see them again pretty soon!
After 36 years of hand watering, we are finally installing a drip irrigation system. I think it will be a good improvement. The past several years, we've had stone walls and steps installed at the sides and across the back of our yard to terrace the steep slope. I can now easily walk to the bottom of the yard. The terrace gives us more opportunity for flower beds and borders. The result has been an influx of bird, butterflies, and a plethora of honey bees. We haven't had that many bees in years!
I am so happy with the many choices we've made over the years. We actively planned for retirement for many years. We have some minor health issues, but hey, we're old! There's little else we really worry about. We are doing a lot more together now that we are both retired. We are doing things that we hadn't considered previously because they fall on a weekend and we had too much "work" to do at home. I plan to sign up for classes in the Spring and reserve Summer and Fall for having fun.
I really want to pinch myself sometimes because this seems like such a dream after so many years of working.