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Saturday, 4 November 2017
Wisconsin is Cooooold

Our former neighbor Shena stopped by for a quick visit.  She had been in town for a very short time to finish up some business here in Texas.  She said it is cold in Wisconsin.  I'm contemplating shutting the windows and turning on the A/C.  She is very happy with her new job and mostly with the improved benefits.  Jeff got a job immediately with UPS.  We are so happy for them but sad for us.

Walter lost his brother-in-law this week.  He stopped by in the afternoon to tell us about the arrangements.  He was married to Walter's sister Fay for 70 years.  We had organic made-from-scratch chicken noodle soup for lunch.  I sent two servings home with Walter for his dinner.  Since the surgery, he's been able to eat whatever he wants without the interference of the hernia. 

The box of photos Stan retrieved from the storage building was still on the ottoman where Stan put them to look through.  He pulled out a few of Mother and Walter when they were much younger - Walter had dark hair and Mother had red hair.  I told him I would give him all the prints once I get them scanned.  That gives me more incentive to work on them.  I will add any new ones to the years I already have on the web page as I go.

 I did laundry while I was cooking and Stan cleaned the garage.  We ate our soup on the front deck, enjoying the lingering summer weather.  I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday.

Posted by stormi36 at 6:52 PM CDT
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