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Monday, 16 October 2017
Weekend Trip to Weatherford

I saw a FB event posting for Fright Night in Weatherford so I booked a hotel room and purchased tickets for the event at the Pythian Home.  (

The event was well planned and quite nice.  We stayed at the Hampton Inn and the staff there is really wonderful.  The hotel was completely full, partially due to a wedding, but it was so quiet we thought we were the only ones there.  The room came with breakfast and that got us on our way home with even more smiles.

We purchased a book called Unexpected Texas by Tui Snider from the author who quite graciously singed it for us. Yes, when we got back to the hotel, I immediately started reading about all the unexpected places in Texas.  The author is a really outgoing and fascinating lady and an award winning author.   Check out her website at

Other than the burger place (Justice Burger) that had their doors open for business but told us they didn't open until 12:00 - it was 11:50 (we left and had lunch at Cracker Barrel), and the Dairy Queen who thought it was perfectly acceptable to serve fries that had black holes in them, we had a really great time. 

Posted by stormi36 at 7:40 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 16 October 2017 7:43 AM CDT
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